Snowmaking at cross country ski areas is important to guarantee the cross country ski trails remain open
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Snowmaking at cross country ski areas is important to guarantee the cross country ski trails remain open
Adaptive Nordic Skiing
Trail Grooming at cross country ski areas provides a better trail experience for skiers.
Kids on Fischer XC Skis
Kids on cross country skis or snowshoes? It is not only about child obesity, nature deficit disorder, and better brain function – it's about fun. What can the kids do after school or on the weekends? Have you set your plans for the school breaks this coming winter? The winter can be snowy yet mild and great for a weekly program or a family winter vacation with plenty of cross-country (XC) skiing and snowshoeing, so gather up the kids and head to the hills. There are XC ski resorts that are exceedingly kid-friendly with fun activities to enjoy on the snow. And XC skiing and snowshoeing not only delivers great times for kids, they create memories they'll have for a lifetime.
We know about the calorie-burning effectiveness of XC skiing and snowshoeing. We understand that kids should get outdoors more often. And according to Dr. Majid Fotuhi, chairman of the Neurology Institute for Brain Health and Fitness in Baltimore, studies support the idea that exercise can improve learning efficiency for kids. In short, exercise and better fitness are associated with better brain function. Here are some samples of the unique XC ski and snowshoe programming at XC ski areas this winter:
At the Weston Ski Track in MA where snowmaking guarantees programming and there are multi-week and vacation kids programs. These series offer kids aged 6-10 three-day versions during school vacations in 1-hour sessions (Tues-Thur) featuring fun and games on skis. The 5-week series builds beginner and intermediate skills has five 1-hour sessions on the same day each week. There is also a Kinder 3-Week series with 45-minute sessions for kids aged 4-6.
Great Glen Outdoor Trails Center in Gorham, NH has the Bill Koch League for kids in grades 1-8 for fun, friends, and learning/improving XC ski skills. The Trail Tracker program is free everyday scavenger hunt at Great Glen, which is a big hit for kids to track down cartoon animals out on the trails. When they find the animated creatures, they stamp a card and upon return to the lodge they get a treat.
Jackson XC nestled in the Jackson Village in the NH's White Mountains has the Toddlers & Tots program for parents to experience the trails on the snow with their young children. Tuesdays, non-holiday, JacksonXC offers free tickets and rentals, including pulks and tot skis, to skiers (up to two adults) who bring a child or children under the age of 5. Use of equipment is based on availability. This is a good time to meet other families with children of similar age. You may arrive at any time for T&T however pulks are available for either morning or afternoon sessions (not all day, on T&T), and rental equipment for T&T must be returned by 3:30 PM (don’t send T&T rentals out after 2 PM) Call to reserve a pulk: 603-383-9355. Be sure to speak with a person. Check JXC for other youth-oriented programs. Check out the Riverbank Loop off the Ellis River Trail for a trailside story book and terminate at the Cocoa Cabin.
Kids in the Reindeer Rally at Lapland Lake Vacation Center in NY
Lapland Lake in Northville, NY has special holiday programs for kids supervised by skilled, kid-friendly, incredibly entertaining PSIA-certified instructors. The program, which is for kids aged 5 – 11 runs 90 minutes on weekends and holiday weeks. The "on-ski" games include Toilet Bowl Tag, Limbo, Spider (flag tag), Soccer on Snow, Relay Slalom, Caterpillar Relay, Sharks & Minnows, Scavenger Hunt, Elephant Hunt & more!
Smuggler's Notch Resort in VT is known for family programming. The one and a half hour XC ski lesson for kids happens in a special terrain park that has snowy roller bumps and other features for kids to learn balance and increase confidence while having fun on skis. Snowshoe programs at Smuggler's include the Cider Walk and the Sugar on Snow Trek.
A number of states conduct statewide programs to encourage kids to get outdoors in the winter. The Ski New Hampshire "4th and 5th Grade Passport" offers trail passes for one visit at the state's XC ski resorts. The Michigan Snowsports Industries has the "Cold is Cool Passport," which requires that an adult paying full price must accompany the kids 4th or 5th graders and there is a cost associated with the passport for XC skiing. SkiVermont has a 5th grader program and the WinterKids organization in Maine also has a variety of programs for thousands of kids each winter.
Junior Muffin races at Cross Country Ski Headquarters in MI
At Cross Country Ski Headquarters in Roscommon, MI the Junior Muffin Races are held in March for kids in three age groups (6 and under, 7-9, and 10-12) with free registration, trophies for all participants, and lunch included. The short race distances are age appropriate for each group.
Breckenridge Nordic Center in Colorado has free ski trail access to kids under 13 years old.
Methow Trails in Winthrop, WA has three StorySki trails that feature 1 km loops with illustrated story book pages on large panels displayed along select trails for kids to read as they ski or snowshoe. There are also two interactive “Wildside” signs for older kids along the trails. And there are no trail fees for kids under the age of 17!
Tahoe Donner Cross Country Center in Truckee, CA has three kids programs between January and February for different age groups. A multi-week program is for kindergarten-grade 5. Third to fifth graders have a Junior Racer program while second to seventh graders can learn how to race and shoot a rifle in the Junior Biathlon program.
These winter programs feature ways for kids to learn balance and increase confidence while having fun on skis or snowshoes. And they're committed to helping kids develop lifelong habits of health, education, and physical fitness through participation in outdoor winter activities…and as the kids can attest they are also just plain fun. Photos: Fischer Ski, Lapland Lake Vacation Center, Cross Country Ski HQ, and Smugglers Notch.
Many cross country ski areas offer incentives for elder skiers to visit and ski.
Snowshoeing at Vermont’s alpine ski resorts
When it comes to cross country (XC) skiing, the theory of what goes up must come down may be going out of style. Nowadays many people really enjoy the fun of just going downhill on XC skis, but they'd prefer avoiding the need to laboriously trudge uphill to earn that fun. Yeah, the skis have waxless bases that allow you to ski uphill without totally killing yourself, but it's so much easier with the onset of "lift or shuttle-served" XC skiing.
Simply put, lift or shuttle-served XC skiing allows the fun of the downhill with the use of a ski area lift or a shuttle ride so there's no need to "pay the price" of going miles uphill on skis. Of course, there are those who believe that one must earn such fun, but "no pain, no gain" may be a view that's, well a bit fuddyduddy.
At Bretton Woods in New Hampshire's White Mountains there is a $31 High Country lift ticket that gets an XC skier up near the summit to the Mountain Road by way of a chair lift, for a 7 kilometer (km) ski back down. The trail is easy enough and skiers can ski in the groomed tracks or on the flat skate lane, where they can make turns or snowplow.
The Bretton Woods lift ticket provides one ride on the high speed detachable quad (which slows down upon egress) and unlimited use of a T-bar, which is a few kilometers down the trail. The T-bar provides access to upper elevations of Mount Stickney and the Stickney Cabin, which has snacks, beverages and a place to hang out with indoor seating or outside by a stone fireplace. Skiing back to the Mountain Road offers some choices including a groomed trail or skiing through the glades (trees) with options for different levels of difficulty. The Mountain Road is one of the most fun trails to be had on XC skis in New England!
In the northwest at 49 Degrees North Mountain Resort there is a lift-served XC ski trail called the Summit Trail that is accessed near the top of Chewelah Peak. It descends and winds around the mountain for 12 km. On a clear day one can see all the way to Montana from the trail and many animal tracks or an occasional moose might be seen. It is a 2,000 foot decline in elevation but not all downhill though.
Other XC ski trails that are accessed by chair lifts can be found at Giants Ridge in MN with a free lift ride when you purchase a trail pass to access the 6 km Bronze Trail, the 6 km Summit Trail, or the 14 km Gold Trail. Boyne Mountain in MI has the Cold Springs Downhill trail. Royal Gorge in the Tahoe, CA area has two surface ski lifts for practicing downhill turns and also having accelerated fun.
At Garnet Hill Lodge, in North River, NY there's a shuttle ride from the bottom of a long downhill back to the lodge that has been offered since the early eighties. It originated when the lodge owner picked up skiers in his car and was then upgraded to a van and now it's a mini-bus. The shuttle is a free service for the skiers at Garnet Hill Lodge. Skiers must sign up for the shuttle and there are many routes that skiers can take using intermediate rated trails to reach the two pick-up locations that have a 500 foot and 900 foot vertical drop, respectively. Shuttles are offered daily and 3-5 times a day on weekends and holidays. During the week and on slow times, the shuttle is offered on demand.
The Great Glen Trails Outdoor Center in Gorham, NH is adjacent to the Mt. Washington Auto Road and offers an uphill ride to achieve "treeline status" in the SnowCoach, which is a tracked van. The comfortable heated tour takes folks to the 4,000 foot elevation up Mount Washington where the views are breathtaking. Intermediate and advanced skiers can handle skiing down this road as a thrilling four mile decent back to the base lodge. There are various price options for the SnowCoach.
Craftsbury Outdoor Center in Vermont has a free shuttle on the weekends that delivers skiers to the Highland Lodge for a 20 km return trek. There's a net drop of about 300 meters on the groomed trail, which traverses hill top pastures, farmsteads, and quaint Vermont villages. A shorter 5 km shuttled ride brings skiers back to the lodge from Craftsbury Village at the general store and deli.
At Methow Trails in Winthrop, WA the Saturday Ski Shuttle offers FREE transportation in January and February between Winthrop and Mazama for those looking for a one-way ski journey along the Methow Community Trail. A valid ski trail pass is required.
At Lone Mountain Ranch in Big Sky, MT there is the Upper Trail Shuttle (available a few times per week) that takes you a couple of miles away from the facility and leaves you with a mostly downhill ski back to the lodge for about 10 km.
One might wonder that if the downhill ski run is the objective, why not simply go alpine skiing? The trails above are cross country ski experiences. They all require kick and glide techniques across some flat terrain and they do not have the consistent and necessary steepness for alpine skiing. As lift and shuttle services become more popular, they'll be available at more ski areas but until that happens, you'll have to seek out areas that offer this service if you want this level of fun on XC skis.
Ask the general public to name an alpine skiing “Mecca” — described as a location where people, who share a common interest, yearn to go — even those who don’t ski can come up with at least Aspen or Vail, if not Killington and Sun Valley. But mention the Gunflint Trail or the Methow Valley to cross country (xc) skiers and more often than not, you’ll elicit a blank stare. Yet these are just two of several xc skiing destination resorts that devout xc skiers revere. In fact, each of the following five regions is definitely an “xc skiing Mecca” — each one, a destination that all traveling xc skiers have put on their “must visit” list.
Comprising the small, picturesque towns of Conway, Sugar Hill, Bartlett and Jackson in the heart of New Hampshire’s White Mountains, the Mount Washington Valley has a half-dozen xc ski areas, all at the base of the most majestic mountain in the eastern U.S., the 6,288-foot Mt. Washington. Here, the spectacular scenery is enhanced by hundreds of inns, lodges and restaurants, plus unsurpassed outlet shopping. Ski past mountain streams, a white steepled church, or over a wooden covered bridge on the network of 150 kilometers (km) of trails that glide past numerous inns and stores and through the woods in Jackson Village.
Up in Pinkham Notch, Great Glen Trails Outdoor Center features 40 km of trails for cross country or snowshoeing and the more adventurous can take a snowcoach up the Mt. Washington Toll Road to unparalleled views and then make the choice to ski, snowshoe or ride the coach down. On the other side of Mt. Washington, Bretton Woods Nordic Center has its Mountain Road Trail, a 7-km downhill thrill that might be the most fun to be had on xc skis in all of New England. Franconia Inn is tucked away but is known for great cuisine in the evening and more than 50 km of trails. The region also has dog sledding, snowmobiling, zip lines, and 7 alpine ski areas to round out the snow sports offerings.
The Hills are Alive
The “Sound of Music” is more than 50 years old and another production by the Von Trapp family, America’s first xc ski center at the Trapp Family Lodge in Stowe, Vermont is just two years younger. Nestled beside Mt. Mansfield, Vermont's highest peak, the lodge is among the most famous and diverse xc ski trail networks in the country. Three Stowe xc ski areas interconnect to provide roughly 150 kilometers of groomed trails, and there’s a link to backcountry ski 14 km to Bolton Valley Nordic Center via the Catamount Trail. Plus, with the variety of trails for snowshoeing around Stowe, it’s no surprise that the quintessential New England village is the original home of Tubbs Snowshoes, the largest snowshoe manufacturer in the world. Stowe's Recreation Path, which runs 5.3 miles along the river (and over 11 wooden bridges) and Route 108 is perfect for an easy snowshoe jaunt. Don't miss the Vermont Ski Museum in downtown Stowe or the Ben & Jerry's Ice Cream headquarters (most popular attraction in the state) in nearby Waterbury, Vt.
Scandinavians settled by the thousands in Minnesota so it stands to reason that their national sport, cross country skiing, would abound in the state. The trails in northeastern Minnesota near Grand Marais offers more than 200 kilometers of groomed trails in the Laurentian Highlands adjacent to the Boundary Waters Canoe Area Wilderness. Here, xc skiers enjoy moose yards, overlook ridges, old trapper trails and railroad beds. The Gunflint attractions include extensive stands of white birch, spruce, and aspen and spectacular cliffs.
Of course, in the land of 10,000 lakes there’s a multitude of frozen lakes and there is also a great chance that visitors in northern Minnesota will see the oscillating luminary curtains in the evening sky known as the Northern Lights. Perfect for those wanting to get away from it all, this area is less populated than other xc Meccas and the region is sprinkled with many isolated lodges, bed and breakfast inns, lakefront cabins, and yurts (large circular heated tents with hard floors, bunk beds and room for 6-8 people). And count on hearing the distant howls of timber wolves.
Northwestern delights
More than 70 years as a winter sports destination, the Sun Valley/Ketchum, Idaho, area was developed by railroad mogul, W. Averell Harriman to attract train travelers. Known for its alpine skiing, the area features more than 160 kilometers of trails and now it touts itself as "Nordic Town USA." The Sun Valley Resort includes the Sun Valley alpine ski area, a Nordic ski area on the golf course, and a selection of accommodations. The North Valley Trails run from the Galena Lodge back to town and Sun Valley along the river. Expect to see colorful performance striders and skaters alongside snowshoers out walking the dog on this popular avenue.
For superb backcountry skiing amidst forests of pine and aspen, head to the Sawtooth Mountains and its high mountain reaches laced with granite spires and inviting cirques. Here xc skiers can enjoy trekking and guide services, even overnight accommodations in backcountry huts and Mongolian-style yurts.
The Methow Valley in northwest Washington on the eastern slope of the North Cascade Mountains is one of the best kept secrets among xc skiers. A network of 200 kilometers of groomed trails for classic and skate skiing combines at Methow Trails with lodges like Sun Mountain Lodge and warming huts along the trails, which are surrounded by more than a million acres of national wilderness and forest lands.
Snowfall here is not only plentiful, it is also dry thanks to the moisture traveling across 100 miles of mountains from the Pacific Ocean to get to Methow. And after the snow arrives, a crystal blue sky almost always follows revealing the incredible scenic mountain panoramas. Located only 2,000 feet above sea level, this 40-mile-long xc skiing valley requires no altitude acclimation.
Many other North American regions could make the list of xc skiing Meccas, including Michigan's Grayling region and the statewide GoMichigan, California’s Lake Tahoe, Colorado, Lake Placid in New York, and Canada's Quebec and British Columbia areas. Start your own list of “must visit” xc ski destinations, and use to explore the many choices and then make some reservations to explore different regions in your next winter adventure.
Want a guilt-free way to indulge yourself with food while exercising? Cross country (XC) skiing and snowshoeing are some of the best forms of aerobic exercise, but if you go on a "Gourmet Ski Tour" on your XC skis or snowshoes, you may very well eat your way to fitness at a number of trailside food stops. What a grand time so go ahead, eat, ski, and be merry - appetizers, wine, champagne, fondue, entrees, desserts, and more. Check with ski area websites for specifics on the following programs.
Check with the websites for specifics on the following programs. Here's a cross section of the culinary XC ski events that are planned this winter across the country with a varied menu of fun and fine cuisine.
Smugglers Notch in VT has the Snowshoe Adventure Dinner at the mountain summit on Tuesdays. The Maple Experience is on Tuesdays on a tour to learn about maple sugaring and get to take home a sample and the Sugar on the Snow snowshoe tour is on Wednesdays. The Hot Chocolate Warm Up is daily at 3:30 PM with a bonfire.
The Chocolate Festival at Mt. Washington Valley Ski & Snowshoe Center in Intervale, NH in late February is an inn-to-inn affair at about 12 stops to experience your chocolate fantasies including moose and fondue. Go on a tour of any length and actually gain calories, even if you ski as far as 20 kilometers. A shuttle is also available for those that have overindulged at the event dubbed the "Sweetest Day on the Trails."
Treetops Resort in Gaylord, MI has the Skiable Feast Getaway Package that features a winter gourmet adventure with 5 buffet food stations along 6 km of trails. It is offered at 8 AM - 2 PM on 7 dates on Saturdays during January-March. Also the Wilderness Sleigh Ride Dinner is on Saturdays at 5-9:30 PM on a tour to the cabin for a culinary adventure.
Cross Country Ski Headquarters in Roscommon, MI has the "Around the World Wine & Ski Tour" is a new event with XC skiing, and Ribs & Blues food music event, and the Gourmet Chili Bard. Look for the Fill at the Grill and Fire on the Mountain food events.
The Upper Peninsula of Michigan in Ironwood features cuisine from local restaurants that can be purchased at a nominal fee for a food court with local restaurants at the Taste of the Trails on the ABR trails in March.
Just Desserts at Enchanted Forest XC Center
Just Desserts Eat & Ski in the Enchanted Forest in Red River, NM in late February features goodies from 20 different local restaurants at three trailside stations with up to 100 desserts within a 4 kilometer loop. Their motto is, “It’s not a race, just a gorge fest.” Look to the Enchanted website to see if this program will be available this year.
Look to the Galena Lodge in Ketchum, ID for the Full Moon Dinners on nights with the full moon, whereby you can go ski or snowshoe ($5 snowshoe rental offered) and then return to lodge for a 4-course dinner. There are also special Wine Dinners, Holiday Dinners, and Valentine's Day Dinner scheduled from mid-December to mid-March.
At Devil's Thumb Ranch Resort & Spa in Tabernash, CO, is known for its cuisine in the lodge’s Ranch House Restaurant & Saloon recipient of the 2021 Wine Spectator’s Best of Award of Excellence and 2020 OpenTable Diner’s Choice Award for Best Special Occasion Restaurant; and Heck’s Tavern (causal American fare for overnight lodging guests).
The Rendezvous Trails in West Yellowstone, MT features cuisine that is homemade and from local restaurants that can be found along a designated route on the trails at the Taste of the Trails in February. Pay in advance at West Yellowstone retailer Free Heel & Wheel.
Frisco Nordic Center in CO has the Ski, Eat and Be Merry event in February with a progressive dinner along the trails featuring food, drink, 3 bonfires and luminaries on a 2 km loop.
Bear Valley Adventures in CA hosts the Wine Tasting in the Meadow in late November to sample local wineries with appetizers.
Tahoe XC in Tahoe City, CA has the Fish Taco Night is a fundraiser in January at the Sunnyside Restaurant & Bar in Tahoe City.
Cypress Mountain outside of Vancouver, BC has Fondue Dinner Snowshoe Tour, S’Mores Tour, and Cheese & Chocolate Fondue Tour all scheduled with a snowshoe trek to the Hollyburn Lodge Building to start in January. These programs include rental equipment, trail access, and guides/instructors.
Light weight outing on a blue sky day. Cath Howard at Royal Gorge
As the cross country (XC) ski season winds down most XC ski areas close because of lack of skiers rather than lack of snow on the trails. The sun comes out, the temperature rises, and the XC skiers quit. Huh? spoke with ski area operators around the nation to get their take on spring skiing. In normal years, many areas host springtime season pass holder parties and offer big discounts for purchasers of season passes for next year.
Lapland Lake in Northville, NY commented that their trails are compacted on a daily basis so the snow does not disappear like in the city or open areas in suburbia. Lapland's Kathy Zahray encourages skiers and snowshoers to get out and enjoy this weather and these great spring conditions!"
Zahray admits that “the reality is that in the spring it costs more for grooming and staffing than the amount of income earned from the diminishing number of skiing patrons, however this is one of the most fun times of the year to enjoy the outdoors. The milder temperatures and discounted rates are terrific for everyone and it is fun to ski in shorts and t-shirts." Lapland Lake is offering special lodging prices through the end of March at low prices.
Groomed trails awaits at Carter’s XC Ski Center
Carters XC Ski Center in Bethel, ME have host special programs for their patrons in March to encourage them to enjoy the springtime.
In Minnesota at Maplelag Resort, proprietor Jay Richards concurs "that people want to get on the snow early but get tired of winter and ready for warm spring days." He feels that "skiers in the Midwest are conditioned to colder and drier snow compared to skiers in other regions who are more accustomed to a wider variety of snow conditions."
Rikert Nordic Center in Ripton, VT has a big banner on its website offering discounts off day trail tickets, rentals, lessons and merchandise. This is a great incentive to attract skiers, snowshoers and fat bikers in the spring. Patrons who purchase the low priced season passes in the spring for next season get one free ski lesson, too.
Trapp Family Lodge in Stowe, VT is offering private maple sugaring tours and they plan to stay open as long as the snow holds. Don’t miss the von Trapp Brewing Bierhall Restaurant, which is conveniently situated on the XC ski and mountain bike trails. The Bierhall is a gathering place for friends to enjoy “a little of Austria, a lot of Vermont,” serving fresh lager beers and a selection of freshly prepared Austrian lunch and dinner selections
At Cross Country Ski Headquarters in Roscommon, MI they run spring events on machine-made snow but there has been warm weather and little snow late in the season. If there is new snow enough to groom, the trails will be open. Proprietor Lynne Frye invites everyone to celebrate all that is great about spring: long, sunny days of great cross country skiing in Michigan!
Breckenridge Nordic Center mountain views
The Breckenridge Nordic Center in CO has skiers who are enjoying the patio and lounging around with a glass of beer or wine. They expect to remain open through mid April, as the trail cover and base remains due to snowmaking in the fall. Owner Josh Dayton said “We’re having really fantastic skiing on beautiful sunny days and our snow holds up very well.”
Erika Halm of Methow Trails in Winthrop, WA stated, “This season has been another fantastic snow year! We have no shortage of snow but people stop skiing in late March which is really too bad because we often find the best skiing of the season comes in the spring. The trails are well packed, and the days are lighter and warmer making it much more comfortable to ski.
The website for Methow Trails in Winthrop, WA implores skiers to enjoy spring skiing at its best with sun, longer days, uncrowded trails, and the bird songs of new arrivals. Cold nights help keep the trails open for your skiing pleasure with the best skiing on trails groomed in the previous 24 hours. Usually trails will start to soften up quickly this morning. Spring skiing sounds delightful!
Cross country skiers rounding the corner
With a torrent of people hitting the trails and the outdoors across the country, wanted to give a shout out to hidden gem destinations for cross country (XC) skiing this winter. There may very well be an overflow of skiers at the most popular XC ski trails, so this guide will share some of the lesser known but excellent destinations.
In the east the Woodstock Nordic Center offers more than 45 km of skiing right in the town of Woodstock, VT on two trail systems. The Mt. Peg trails begin on the golf course at the Woodstock Country Club and climb to the summit overlooking the village below. On nearby Mt. Tom, the Center grooms more than 20 km of trails on old carriage roads in the midst of Vermont's first tree farm and Marsh-Billings-Rockefeller National Historical Park. The Woodstock Inn & Resort, which operates the Nordic Center is a 142 room AAA four Diamond Resort in the heart of Woodstock, a town that is the quintessential New England town with a wonderful collection of restaurants and shops.
Lapland Lake XC Ski & Vacation Center in Northville, NY features a touch of Finland in the Adirondacks from the food and the resident reindeer, to the Finnish woodburning sauna and children's games. They’ve got 38 km groomed for classic and skate skiing and 12 km of mapped snowshoe trails. The resort is located adjacent to the famed 133-mile Northville-Lake Placid Trail for limitless wilderness ski and snowshoe opportunities. Known for its courteous staff, this year-round family resort features a two-story warming lodge with a wax room, restrooms, changing room, and shower along with a snack bar, and eleven housekeeping cottages known as "tupas" that have fully equipped kitchens, living room, up to 4 bedrooms, electric heat, woodstoves, and a bath with showers.
The White Grass Touring Center is in the Canaan Valley and high Allegheny Mountains in West Virginia. It is a one-of-a-kind place to XC ski that gets 150 inches of snow annually. There's 50 km of trails that are groomed or maintained and the area has 1,200 vertical feet with slopes and glades for backcountry skiers, too. Established in the late 1970’s the “fleece and flannel” scene at White Grass is alive with a popular natural foods café.
XC ski destinations in the central regions include Cross Country Ski Headquarters in Roscommon, MI which is a leading XC ski outfitter and ski area in the Higgins Lake area. Since 1974 this has been a premier destination for XC skiing in the heart of Michigan, with 19 km of trails groomed for classic and skate skiing for skiers of all abilities and there are also miles of trails all around the region. The Cross Country Ski HQ is known for its friendly and experienced staff, special events, and retail operation. Trails are groomed for classic and skate skiing characterized as 10% hilly, 50% moderate, and 40% flat.
Golden Eagle Lodge trail through the White Birch forest
The Golden Eagle Lodge in Grand Marais, MN is a family owned year-round resort located on Flour Lake sitting at the Height of the Laurentian Divide in the Superior National Forest. It has 70 km groomed trails for classic skiing and 60 percent of the trails are groomed for skating. The Baumann family owns the Golden Eagle Lodge, and they are the only residents on the lake, welcoming skiers to enjoy 120 inches of snow annually and the tranquility and solitude of the surrounding ancient forests. The lodge is also amidst the Gunflint Trail 100-mile system, which is a mecca for Midwestern cross country skiers.
Maplelag Resort in Callaway, MN is located in the northwest region of MN and is within an hour of Fargo, ND. Maplelag has 75 km groomed for skiing, snowshoeing, and fat biking. The Maplelag lodge was destroyed in a fire in October 2022 and the area trails are being maintained with a retail store and a few cabin accommodations with kitchen facilities.
Further west XC skiers can visit the Enchanted Forest XC Ski & Snowshoe Area in Red River, NM, which has 33 km of trails groomed for classic and skate skiing, 15 km for snowshoeing, and 5 km that allow dogs. Enchanted Forest is known for the entertaining events and the great scenic views with 500 acres of ancient forests, aspen groves, and sweeping meadows in the Carson National Forest (that's Kit Carson for you history buffs) There’s a day lodge at the base area for a snack and the Midway warming yurt and three rental yurts are available for overnight winter accommodations.
Methow Trails is located in north-central Washington just below the Canadian border and anchored by the towns of Winthrop, Mazama and Twisp. It has more than 220 km (136 miles) of perfectly groomed skate and classic ski trails. Kids 17 and under ski free everyday in the Methow Valley. Many of the trails also welcome fat bikers, snowshoers, and dogs. Methow Trails is a non-profit organization dedicated to connect people, nature and community through world class trail systems.
Bear Valley fatbiking enthusiast takes it in
The Bear Valley Adventure Company is in Bear Valley, CA on Highway 4 on the west slope of the Sierra Nevada Mountains in the land of giant Sequoia trees. Bear Valley is perfect for new or experienced XC skiers with a trailhead meadow surrounded by hills and ridges. It is at 7,000 - 7,800 foot elevation and boasts substantial annual snow depths making it in most years the first to open and last to close among the Sierra XC ski centers. There are 70 km on 38 trails groomed for classic and skate skiing with 2 kids trails, a popular sledding and tubing hill, the Snowbound Café and 3 trailside huts There’s a groomed downhill ski area nearby, too.
Family at Great Glen Trails under Mt. Washington in NH
Plan to gather up the kids and head to the hills this winter. No need to head to warmer climes - winter can be snowy, yet mild, and perfect for a family vacation with plenty of activities such as cross country (XC) skiing and snowshoeing. According to the experts, who regularly update, the nation's top XC ski resorts are exceedingly family-friendly with lots to enjoy together both on the snow and off. What families want and need is exactly what an xc ski vacation delivers: multi-generational participation, quality time and shared memories.
There are special touches such as talent shows, child-friendly classes and family style meals to help your XC ski and snowshoe vacation become the perfect memorable getaway with your loved ones. Families can find resorts that offer the perfect combination of carefree atmosphere and picture-perfect views together with beautiful lodging, family dining, and expertly groomed trails and learn how they can enjoy the winter outdoors together. The following are top suggestions from the site:
Lapland Lake Ski & Vacation Center in Northville, NY has nightly bonfires on the weekends and the kids love to play Napa Kikku, which is a Finnish game on ice with a sled and a pole. Kicksleds, tubing, ice skating and parents use pulk sleds to pull the kids along the XC ski trails. The range of trails include many that are excellent for family skiers that have different ability levels. The overnight cottages have kitchens, too.
Pineland Farms in New Gloucester, ME has family programs to engage kids and adults with outdoors and educational activities such as XC skiing, sleigh rides, mountain biking, equestrian, exploring life and animals on the farm, apple cider making, milking a cow, and much more.
Trapp Family Lodge in Stowe, VT is one of the most famous family resorts where the hills come alive with the "Sound of Music." In the Green Mountains of Vermont, Trapp Family Lodge is a paradise for families with a fitness center, an indoor pool and the Mountain Kids Club provides playtime, craft time and movies for kids.
Kids of all ages will dig the Fun Zone at Smuggler’s Notch
Smuggler's Notch Resort in Smuggler's Notch, VT has a dynamic lineup of family programs with 1,000 acres for families that include XC skiers, snowshoers, alpine skiers and snowboarders. Smuggs as it is known, has teen centers, kids camps and the not-to-be-missed FunZone play area, all within the resort village with shops and restaurants, condo lodging, and walk-to free shuttles. There are XC ski and snowshoe trails and programs, winter walking, ice skating, and more. Recognition for Smuggs’ family focus has annually been awarded by numerous magazines.
Maplelag Resort in Callaway, Minnesota is run by a 3-generation extended family and this resort has families coming back year after year.
The trails at Cross Country Ski Headquarters in Roscommon, MI are approachable, which means they can be skied by folks of different ability levels and that’s great for families to ski together. They got free XC ski lessons on Saturdays and weekend food and music programs for the whole family to make a day of it and have a memorable outing.
Devil's Thumb Ranch Resort & Spa in Tabernash, CO has outdoor adventures from XC skiing and snowshoeing to Zipline, horseback riding and laser biathlon. There are "cowpoke camps" for overnight guests with kids in half and full day programs, heated pool, movie nights, game room, and more.
You'll be amazed by the giant trees in Sequoia National Park and Monument near the Bear Valley Adventures, in Bear Valley, CA. They’ve got junior sized XC skis and snowshoe rentals to fit kids and pulk sleds to pull the little ones. Sledding and tubing are also activities for the family to enjoy.
Fat biking at Kingdom Trails, Vermont
Fat bikes, dubbed the "Hummers of the two-wheelers' world" in the Wall Street Journal are proliferating where there are more than 150 cross country (XC) ski areas that have fat bikes available to use on snow covered trails. These specially-made bicycles that accommodate ultra-wide tires that can be run at very low pressure 4-8 pounds of pressure allow fat bikes to roll over soft, slippery surfaces like snow. XC ski areas and regional pockets across the nation in Vermont, Michigan, Wisconsin, Minnesota, Alaska and Washington now have fat bike trails with groomed single track and signed trails, rental bikes, and special events.
An industry source (at QBP, the manufacturers of fat bike brands Surleybikes, Salsacycles, tires, boots, gloves, and apparel) recently reported that 150,000-200,000 fat bikes have been sold since 2010 while there are about 7 million mountain bikes sold. Fat bikes provide a great way for avid cyclists to stay in shape during the winter season and they provide different recreational fun for people who are active or love the outdoors. Fat bikers are mostly male and are aged 35-65, with 80% at high education levels Bachelors degree or higher) and professional/managerial vocations.
Fat Bike Locations
At the Nordic Village outside of Flagstaff, AZ there are 25 km of snowshoe trails that accommodate fat bikes. The bikes ride much better on packed trails compared to riding on soft snow.
In eastern Washington's Methow Trails the winter season can be longer than all other seasons combined and it was one of the first trail networks to embrace fat biking. They saw it as a new, exciting way to get outside and recreate and for the passionate XC skier interested in fitness, it provides another way to cross-train. Some guys from Methow Cycle & Sport groom some of the local trails and the shop rents 16 fat bikes.
One avid snow biker describes the thrill of riding his fat bike in the winter as, "Riding on snow has been a great alternative to my other winter love…Nordic skiing. Hopping on the snow bike has been a great way to mix up the winter activities. There's an amazing sensation when you climb aboard a snow bike and find that you "can" ride where only skiers or snowmobilers had once been able to go!" Surveys show that 71% of fat bikes were introduced to the sport at a demo, borrow, or rent the bike that they are riding and 64% of the fat bikers said they would pay to ride on groomed trails.
Fat bike trail offerings are assessed on a day-by-day, snow conditions, user compatibility basis. Information on the trails that are open to fat bikes is available daily on the Methow Trails grooming report. Just like a skier, a valid Methow Trails day pass will be required for snow bikes.
Views in Methow Valley, Washington
Fat bikes are available for rent ranging from $15 per hour at Rikert Nordic Center in Ripton, VT to $55 for a full day reaching $75 a day at New World Sport, a Fort Collins, CO, shop that sends riders to local packed snowshoe and XC ski trails. Methow Cycle and Sport in Winthrop, WA has a $35 half day rate or $55 for a full day. Reservations are recommended for weekends and holidays. Methow Cycle and Sport will also provide rack adapters for customers who wish to transport rental fat bikes to the riding area of their choice.
Other XC ski areas that have fat bikes on location to rent include Carter’s XC Ski Area in Bethel, ME, Woodstock Inn & Resort in VT, Great Glen Trails in Gorham, NH and Waterville Valley in NH, Cross Country Ski Headquarters in Roscommon, MI, Crosscut Mountain Sports Center in Bozeman, MT, in California at Bear Valley Cross Country & Adventure and Mont-Sainte-Anne, QE.
As one might imagine the price for purchasing a fat bike ranges greatly from a low-end of $200 (at Walmart) to $1,800-6,000. Like any other equipment the low end is probably less reliable and the high-end includes bells and whistles or are built with carbon fiber construction.
Currently, the issues for fat bikers include skier/biker relations and conflicts, variable and changing snow conditions, impact on trails, and building fat bike-specific trails. Fat bike riders are looking for packed snow trails, moderate climbs no more than 8% grade, and narrow single tracks to ride. They are asked to follow a code of etiquette because they can damage trails groomed for classic and skate XC skiers. A typical list of XC ski area "conditions of use" include:
* Riders need to purchase a trail pass to use the area's trails and tell the ticket vendor that they are planning on fat biking.
* Trail access is dependent on conditions and they should check the daily grooming report for detailed trail access information.
* Bikes should yield to all other users. Stay to right side of trail at all times, stay out of the classic ski tracks, and give skate skiers a wide berth. * Stay off trails with more than 3" of new snow.
* If you are leaving a rut deeper than an inch, having a hard time riding in a straight line, or pushing your bike, the snow is too soft and you absolutely should not be biking on the trails.
* Be an ambassador for the sport – stay polite, educate other bikers, discourage bad behavior, follow the rules, and we'll all have a good time this winter.
* Stay on trails designated for Fat Biking.
Create family memories on a cross country ski weekend.
Resorts run by families, are great for family winter vacations packed with something for every family member from fresh home cooked food to the atmosphere and fond memories.
These family-run resorts offer family clientele a combination of togetherness and/or solo time. There’s never a concern about nothing to do because there are so many choices. From reading a book to hiking, horseback riding, swimming and kayaking in the summer to sledding, cross country skiing, snowshoeing, ice skating and other nearby snowsports in the winter. Many of these recreational activities are perfect for family bonding and they create joint memories to last a lifetime. Some folks like to simply unplug and enjoy being away from the hurried world of jobs, schedules, and commitments. Many families opt for their vacation time to become untethered from modern-day trappings such as smart phones and social media, for a heightened state of relaxation to enjoy a quieter, easier world.
The Trapp Family Lodge in Stowe, VT built by the singing Von Trapp family is synonymous with family-run resorts, but there are many others such as the Breckenridge Nordic Center in CO, which has been run by Gene and Therese Dayton with their kids for decades. A recent visit by a couple looking for a place to hold their wedding reception stated “Your lodge is gorgeous! We like the cozy feel and the fact that it's family-owned.”
Therese Dayton commented “Our three children grew up living and breathing this business, where they could see and contribute their hopes and ideas toward a future. They have worked at the center since they were quite small, and had to earn all of their own ski equipment working on weekends and holiday breaks each winter. She noted, “Our employees and guests are part of a family legacy in the making. We try to lead by example and not with formalized documents, policies, and procedures. We treat our staff and guests on an individual basis, considering feelings, trying to do what is best and right above all rules. They have seen our children and now grandchildren grow up and they remember stories about when our children were young, and skiing, whether competitive or not interested in racing, always just having fun on skis.”
Dan Baumann of Golden Eagle Lodge in Grand Marais, MN stated, “I have been at Golden Eagle Lodge for 41 years now - running it with my parents, then my wife joined the staff, and then our three kids also helped out. This October my oldest son Zach married a long time guest, who we watched grow up, and they are running the lodge now.”
Getting set up for a family snowshoe adventure at Cross Country Ski Headquarters
Bob Frye of Cross Country Ski Headquarters in Roscommon, MI jokingly commented “we’ve used our daughter Mariah as forced child labor since she was eight and many of our skiers have seen her grow up. It’s her business now!” He stated that the families are an important part of a growing business. “We’ve established trust as the experts in the ski business so our skiers feel that we’ll choose the right stuff for their gear and clothing.” We’re like a free expert for other families and Mariah has great experience in racing so she has experience that can be trusted in that area.”
Emily Christie of Falcon Trails Resort in Falcon Lake, Manitoba said “We are a family run resort and it is a huge part of the identity and spirit of our business. Falcon Trails was founded by my parents Barb and Craig, who have been carpenters in the area since 1980. They have a love of skiing and were very active members of the local Nordic ski club. When the government decided to close the local ski area, my parents came up with a proposal to build rental cabins to provide a financial crutch that would help keep the ski hill alive. So for the last 20 years our family has owned and operated the local ski slopes/Nordic trails, which is now a four season cabin rental resort. Today my two sisters and I, along with their partners, run the resort together.
Trailside family pose at Maplelag Resort
Eli Einman of Sleepy Hollow Inn located in Huntington, VT commented that “Our customers appreciate and like to support our family run business. We've been in operation for 17 years now, and each of us has our own roles in the business. As an example, several long time skiers here know they can request certain trails to be groomed by my Dad, and he almost always obliges. Often we hear from our customers that they really like to buy season passes from us because they like to support small and family run enterprises. Folks often tell us there is a good vibe from Sleepy Hollow, and I know that's just from the casual & colorful (non-corporate) banter that gets thrown around the front desk area.”
Anne Carter, owner of Carter's Cross Country Ski Center in Bethel, ME has two daughters and sons-in-law that help with the operation of the two centers. “They’ve been playing at the ski areas since they were one and half years old and then helped out since they were in middle school with the operation in the shop, grooming, and giving lessons.” Of course, the kids’ friends were attracted to the ski areas and the customers got to watch the girls grow up and then see the grandkids around the centers. Anne is delegating the website responsibility to her daughter, Jes.
Jay Richards, the second generation manager of Maplelag Resort in Callaway, MN lives with his wife and kids at the resort, which continues to be the home of his parents so it’s truly a large family with three generations involved. Maplelag had a fire that destroyed the main lodge. There are 75 km of trails and there will be a check in building with a store and a few individual accommodations with kitchens.
Biathlon is now on target at many XC ski areas across the country. The sport of biathlon combines cross country (XC) skiing and target shooting. The roots of biathlon are traced to Scandinavia in the mid 1700's, and currently in Europe it is the most popular winter sport attracting 700 million annual television viewers. XC ski areas in the US are now offering programs with real 22 caliber biathlon rifles, laser rifles, and even paintball markers (guns).
Biathletes race 5 kilometers (3 miles) on XC skis before shooting a rifle at five targets 50 meters (164 feet or 54 yards) away. They have a pounding heart and shaking legs with cold fingers and must take five shots. It may be cold and snowy while the sport entails concentration for precision rifle marksmanship. The competition includes shooting from a standing position and a prone (lying down) position. Depending upon the venue, the penalty for a missed shot may be a one minute added on the competitor's time or skiing a penalty lap.
The Craftsbury Outdoors Center in Craftsbury, VT has recreational biathlon programs for adults and youth competition programs. A program in West VA at White Grass Touring Center is the BB Biathlon with scheduled activities on a day in Jan, Feb and March held at 1:00 PM where you ski and shoot 9 shots at 3 targets and everyone wins.
Mountain Top Inn & Resort in Chittenden, VT initiated the Paintball Biathlon, which brings the aspects of biathlon to 250 kids in a one day event to ski and target shoot with paintball markers (guns). For the ski area, using paintball is a less expensive way to host biathlon. Skiers in paintball biathlon are rewarded with time deductions for each target they hit. Midway through each lap, the skiers visit the shooting range where identically sighted paintball markers (guns) await them to take their shots before skiing off for another lap. The event draws youngsters from across the region and is geared to have fun on snow. It has introduced the sport to kids and some of them are now participating more seriously in high school biathlon teams. There's another paintball biathlon called the Valentine's Day celebration in February at Gunstock Mountain Resort, NH.
In the Rockies, XC ski areas with biathlon programs include the Rendezvous Ski Trails in West Yellowstone, MT where biathlon is a cornerstone of winter activity and there is a free "Try Biathlon Day" in January; Crosscut Mountain Sports Center in Bozeman, MT with the Bridger Biathlon Club; and at Sun Valley, ID with the Casper Mountain Biathlon Club. In the west, check the Auburn Ski Club in the Tahoe, California region for its biathlon programs and the Methow Biathlon in Mazama, WA on the Methow Trails. Check Google or other web search service for a biathlon club or program in your area. Photo: Biathlete Lesson; ORDA Dave Schmidt
For people interested in traveling to xc ski resorts this winter, here is info about making a destination selection from the editor of
In general, xc skiers select their winter xc ski destination resorts using some rating system of how xc ski areas perform in eight categories of criteria including trail quality and grooming, scenery, food quality, staff friendliness and service, the ski lodge facility and family issues. There is a great range of xc ski areas in North America and in the eyes of xc skiers these characteristics delineate areas without concern to whether the area is an inn, a ranch, a day area, a destination resort, or a recreation park area. I've purposely avoided the issue of cost - whether you like to travel to distant resorts or only travel within your region, you will still compare the other criteria to select your destination resort.
The information below describes what a quality xc ski resort is all about in terms of services and amenities at some of the leading xc ski resorts in North America.
Trail Quality relates to the skiers' comfort on the trails, even though those skiers might be at different skiing or experience levels. The trail signage should help skiers understand where they are on the area's trail network. And signs should help skiers know the direction that will help them return to their starting place. The trails should provide a skiing flow so there aren't too many long uphills or sharp turns at the bottom of steep downhills. One idea that is done at Lapland Lake in Northville, New York that makes trails seem less crowded is to have skiers go in the same direction (one-way). The result is that the trails never seem crowded. Jay Richards of Maplelag in Calloway, Minnesota said, "Feedback from the majority of our skiers let us know that they prefer double-tracked trails more than single tracks. And we had overwhelmingly negative opinions about allowing dogs on the trails, too."
Some of the best xc ski areas are just blessed with great terrain for xc skiing. The location of an area such as Royal Gorge in Soda Springs, California is perfect for xc skiing as the area's land diversity offers flat, rolling and more challenging variety. And Royal Gorge claims Sierra maritime snow consolidates well and is great for the base on the trails, which means that skiers can count on excellent conditions when they ski there.
Trail grooming can make or break the ski conditions. Olavi Hirvonen former owner of Lapland Lake explained, "We groom every morning unless we have to wait for the snow to dry out or cool off - and I groom the way I like to ski the trails myself." Hirvonen had the Lapland Lake staff out on the trails after windy periods to rake and pick up the debris from trees like fallen limbs and pine cones so skiers don’t have to ski over the debris as it appears on the trails from the Springtime melt."
One thing that most of the best xc ski areas share in common is that they acquire and use the latest trail grooming technology to give them a mechanical advantage. They do not skimp when it comes to using snowcats with their grooming attachments to break up ice or powderize the snow into the finest trail surfaces.
Without getting into the details of grooming machinery and techniques, the personal pride of the area operators is paramount to the trail quality issue. There is pride and commitment to the quality of the trails at many of xc ski areas.
You know it when an area's staff is a great one - they seem happy to see you. In most instances, areas that have veteran employees have them because it is a great place to work. Most of these great employees do not need "customer service" training. They already have the personal touch. Most of the people that work at the best xc ski areas want to work there as a lifestyle choice. This is apparent with their attitudes with the guests and about working at one of the best xc ski areas.
The Richards family, who own and run the Maplelag Resort in Callaway, Minnesota, treat their guests as part of their family. It may sound trite but their guests sincerely feel welcome and they state it unequivocally in testimonials. The staff often greets the guests by name. The Richards constantly ask their guests if there is anything that can be done and they drop everything to help their guests, be it in on the trails, or in the rental shop. Richards feels, "One of us (the Richards family) is always around to help with our guests. It's fun to chat with and be pampered by the actual owners of the resort." Many testimonials from different areas claim the same thing with regard to their feelings about the service at the best resorts - they feel welcome, comfortable and "at home." And Maplelag avoids posting rules or signs saying "Don't do this or that."
XC ski lodges can be designed to provide space, convenience and efficient utilization, but there are also other factors that make a difference to skiers. The best places are clean, cozy, and convenient, but facilities such as restrooms can get pretty yucky, that have to be kept in good condition throughout the day. Lapland also takes into account brown baggers (bring their own lunch rather than purchase food at the area) by offering them a picnic area. And they have a public shower and changing area for skiers, who want to clean up before their drive home.
At Devil’s Thumb Ranch in Tabernash, CO, part of their ambiance is the scenic location and rustic looking facilities. They’ve added new updated facilities such as a dining room, lodge and cabins, but many guests go there to enjoy the rustic feel. It looks like what people expect Colorado to look like and they incorporate features such as a yoga studio and spa to provide guests with amenities that they appreciate while on vacation. And Devil’s Thumb has invested in many sustainable aspects, which guests support.
The main lodge at Maplelag is the area's group meeting place, and it is a living folk art museum. Jay Richards has collected unusual items from around the world. He stated, "We work very hard cultivating this look to be a feast for the eyes." There are nooks and crannies where people can sit and relax, read a book, play games with the family, etc. The lodge also houses the main dining room, hot tub, sauna, massage rooms, rental shop, gift store and it is where the Saturday night talent show and dance takes place.
Whether Nordic skiers bring a picnic lunch, stop at a trailside snack shack or relax with a first class dining experience, the best areas usually are known for their outstanding cuisine. Good food service is a result of the area's commitment, quality chefs with pedigree culinary backgrounds, wine selection, and so on. The Maplelag kitchen is run by Debbie, the chef who has been on the job on and off for 25 years. There is a window opening to the kitchen where guests can speak with Debbie and see the staff cooking the meals. They make everything from scratch using only natural and fresh ingredients. They call it homestyle, hearty, and wholesome and it is a unique menu that is endorsed by the guests. Richards' summarized, "Food is a real joy at Maplelag.
Some xc ski areas are highly touted for their commitment to families. They cater to family needs by dealing with the kids AND grandparents. So the trails have plenty of flat terrain for kids and they offer pulks (sleds that skiers use to carry small children), children's sized snowshoes, skis, boots, and ice skates. XC skiing offers families an activity that they can all do together. And that can include a four-year old on Snoopy skis skiing right alongside of grandpa skiing on his pine tarred woody originals.
Child-oriented instructors are a key element for families and so are instructors that can cater to older skiers’ needs. For the kids to have a positive attitude about Nordic skiing they must have positive first experiences and older skiers relate to older instructors because they are on the same wavelength. Kids get comfortable with child-friendly instructors as individuals and on subsequent visits the kids commonly request to take additional lessons so they can spend more time with those friendly instructors.
Another important way to cater to families is to offer a variety of other skiing and non-skiing activities. At Lapland Lake a game played in Finland called Napa Kiikku is organized on weekends and holidays. The game involves a pole on ice with a sled that goes around in a circle. Adult lessons are conducted to correlate to the time that the kids play the game.
The entire family loves a campfire by the lake, sleigh rides, or just playing on a big pile of snow. Trapp Family Lodge in Stowe, Vermont conducts many kids "classes" from swimming to puppet classes or making stuffed animals. The kids' classes provide parents and grandparents with some child-free time for going on harder ski trails or getting a massage while the kids are being entertained. And older guests love the tour offered at the lodge with property managers who are often the children of Johannes von Trapp.
Jay Richards (Jim and Mary Richards' son) of Maplelag commented, "Seeing our large family with our own kids running around, being involved makes families feel welcome here. We try to make parents feel at ease about having their kids run around." Maplelag cabins and cabooses are great accommodations that can fit large families and the Richards try to help families focus on being together doing family activities. Serving meals "family style" is a key element to the atmosphere. But so are the other family activities such as the dance and the talent show. Baby sitting services are available on site, too. Jay feels that one of the biggest reasons families visit is that there are many families already at Maplelag every time people visit and that makes families feel welcome.
Of course, there are other criteria for selecting winter destinations - for example, couples that are looking for a romantic weekend will have different needs (and desires). There is something more memorable about traveling to a destination compared to going to the local trail network for a couple of hours to xc ski or snowshoe. Whatever your interests, there is a perfect xc ski resort for you.
Snowshoeing with the kids
Not everyone who visits a ski resort wants to or is able to ski or snowboard, so resorts offer other activities. Among those options, guests can explore and enjoy the outdoors on snowshoes. These snowshoe outings at ski resorts range from guided naturalist tours to nearby destinations to athletic fitness treks reaching the top of the mountain. Snowshoeing options at ski resorts are booming and becoming ever more creative.
Smuggler's Notch Resort known as a prime Vermont family destination has one of the most comprehensive mixes of snowshoe programs available. There are snowshoe treks for families with young kids, and outings for adults or families with older kids, who want a bit more in terms of the length of the trek, the topography covered, and the insights shared about the natural world and outdoor skills.
Programs are scheduled for specific days and times at different prices for adult and children. Special family snowshoe programs that are easy include the Fireworks Snowshoe Tour (Thursdays 7-8:30 PM) , which is a guided snowshoe trek after dusk through the woods to a rustic pavilion and bonfire.
The guided treks can cater to individual needs and 1.5 hour snowshoe lesson trek is Sunday at 10 AM. Family Scavenger Hunts are held 3 times per week. The High Elevation Trek is Mon and Fri at 1:15 PM while the Backcountry Snowshoe Trek is on Wed and Sat at 1 PM. Winter Survival is on Tue at 10 AM.
The Blue Snowshoe Trail at Pat’s Peak
Pat’s Peak in Henniker, NH offers three snowshoe trails (Green, Blue and Black corresponding with different levels of difficulty) that are connected in a 4 mile loop. There is no charge to use these trails and they are signed but not maintained. Snowshoes are available to rent for $19 and trail maps are available or can be download.
Beaver Creek Resort in Avon, CO has a variety of snowshoe tours via the Strawberry Park Express chair lift. There are morning or afternoon snowshoe tours that are $125 not including the gear. Private 3-hour tours are $485 and all day tours are $725. An equipment rental package is available which includes boots, poles and snowshoes for $50 a day or $39 for a half day (less for kids or seniors).
Legacy Park is a destination for snowshoers
At Crystal Mountain in Thompsonville, MI, there are guided snowshoe tours available on the golf course for $25 including the snowshoes or go snowshoeing on your own with a 1-hour snowshoe rental for $15. One of the popular treks is to the Michigan Legacy Art Park, which is a 30-acre preserve on 1.6 miles of hiking trails within Crystal Mountain. The Art Park features 45 sculptures (20 in the winter), poetry stones, an outdoor amphitheatre (open in the summer) and there is a donation box.
Stop by the Base Camp at Big Sky Resort in Montana for snowshoe adventures. They have a 2-hour snowshoe tour on the Moose Tracks Gully Trail for up to 10 people at a time led by two local women guides. There are designated trails for snowshoers to go out on their own, but they are asked to pay a $5 trail pass. Click for the resort website video about the guided snowshoe tours that are available at $89 for guests aged 12 or older at Big Sky Resort .
Back in Vermont, a resort that presents a different option is Mount Snow where snowshoe tours are available via the Grand Summit Hotel lodge's NatureSpa. There are planned and marked 60-90 minute trail routes at the ski area for the Woodland Tour (recreational) or the Fitness Tour (vigorous uphill). The unique "Guided Snowshoe Tour & Massage," includes a guided snowshoe tour followed by a sorely “kneaded” massage after returning to the spa for $195. Snowshoes are available to rent.
Guided snowshoe tours take about an hour for $55 per person including the snowshoes, poles and a group guide. There are also private tours available and outings offered to people who are more athletic and looking for a fitness workout on snowshoes or an environmental tour with a local Vermonter talking about animal tracks or local geography. Trail maps for snowshoers are available at Mount Snow Sports, where snowshoe rental equipment and a trail pass can be acquired.
It may be necessary for some of the Smuggler's Notch snowshoe treks to be on the alpine slopes due to low snow in the valley. Some snowshoers use the lifts to access a high elevation tour and a backcountry tour. The Smuggler's Nordic Director commented, "When the skiers saw the people snowshoeing on the slopesides, they wanted to get out of their skis to come and try it."
A recent visit to Bolton Valley Nordic Center in Vermont afforded me an up close look at the newest sensation in cross country skiing – backcountry access at a commercial xc ski area. Bolton boasts having 62 km of high elevation backcountry ski trails including steep winding trails through birch glades, mellow trails for touring, and plenty of powder turns on the way back down.
In mid-February while much of New England was wondering when winter would begin, Bolton Valley Nordic Center with its base elevation of 2,100 feet has fresh snow and a reliable, plentiful base. The facility has 26 km of groomed trails, too. The rental equipment includes backcountry gear for either xc skiing or snowshoeing. The famous Catamount Trail is amidst Bolton’s trail system and there seems to be no limit to interest in this market segment. In fact, the grand daddy of xc ski areas, Trapp Family Lodge now offers 2,500 acres and 40 km of trails in the backcountry, too.
At Bolton Valley Nordic Center's eastern side, the Bryant Ski Trail takes skiers uphill on an hour trek to the Bryant Camp Backcountry Cabin (2,690 foot elevation). Not much to the building but it is a destination that opens into various trails further up the terrain. By the time I arrived in the late morning the trails were packed by previous skiers. I had a few chats with other skiers, who donned gear ranging from lightweight xc skis to heavy telemark gear with climbing skins, wide waxless skis with BC boot/bindings, and I even dodged a snowboarder careening down the packed trail on a split decision snowboard.
I had a conversation with a couple of skiers, who admitted to taking the Wilderness Lift at the adjacent Bolton Valley alpine ski area to ski from the Peggy Dow’s Trail to the Nordic area’s backcountry terrain and the Heavenly Highway Trail where I met them. I skied further up the Highway and then turned on to an aptly named trail called Devil’s Drop, which was really a downhill powder run with switchbacks.
Clearly, you want to ski these trails on a day with good soft snow conditions. The trails are well marked and with skiers dropping down into untracked lines through the trees the upper trails can be a bit confusing. It appeared that after skiing around a few times it would be more comforting as one becomes familiar with the upper trails. There is an overlook named Stowe View and another trail where you can reach a destination named Olga’s Falls. The Bolton-Trapp Trail uses the Catamount Trail (Vermont’s lengthwise winter trail) between the Bolton Valley Nordic Center and Trapp Family Lodge in Stowe and this reaches the highest point on the Catamount Trail at 3,310 foot elevation.
The west side of the Bolton trails covers another entire area to ski and looking at the map contours it is appealing for some downhill fun. The backcountry area also has some delineated glade areas on the trail map and one would imagine that there could be much more of these cleaned areas to give skiers more to enjoy.
Trapp Family Lodge offers guided tours in the backcountry for $35 hour and there is a 3-day package with rental equipment, skill lessons, and a full day tour for $250. Bolton has backcountry rental gear for $30.
Uphill Transport for Skiing the Glades
About a decade ago, alpine ski resorts came to the realization that gladed areas (skiing in the trees rather than on the groomed slopes) between trails offers great fun to skiers. They have created safe glades on gentle terrain by eliminating underbrush, smaller trees, and rocks so there is more room for skiers to pick their way through the forest (somewhat) safely. Glade areas for advanced skiers offer steeper terrain and more obstacles.
Call me a heretic, but I feel that the time has come for xc ski area operators to accept that there are many skiers who would like to access these backcountry stashes without having to climb and get so tired. Clearly there is a portion of the skiing population who would pay for transport up to higher elevations to access these areas so they can enjoy the downhill runs. For a few extra dollars above the trail pass, such transport could be provided with an industrial snowmobile (which most resorts already use) pulling an attached trailer with seats. And maybe the snowmobile driver can stop at the top to take some photos of the skiers as they take off down the terrain. Skiers can purchase the photo documentation back at the lodge and get the photos emailed to their computer or phone so they can show their weekend adventure to coworkers on Monday morning at work.
I imagine that xc ski resort operators might feel that such a service is the domain of alpine ski resorts...but xc ski areas could offer a more natural service within the context of xc skiing and snowshoeing. People like high places and the product supplier companies have recently produced a proliferation of off-track and backcountry equipment. This type of xc ski resort service has arrived.